On-Demand Video

Bermuda Captives - Turning Ideas into Reality - Sponsored by Business Development Agency Bermuda

Attend this webinar on November 18 to learn about how both new entrants to Bermuda’s captive market and existing Bermuda captives are writing lines of coverage such as cryptocurrency, cannabis, and climate-related risks.

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Risk Managers – how are you balancing addressing today’s risks & preparing for the risks of tomorrow? - Sponsored by Aon

Conducted every two years, Aon’s Global Risk Management Survey (GRMS) provides data and insights to enable better decision-making around risk, in an increasingly volatile and complex business environment. The 2021 edition surveyed more than 2,300 respondents in 60 countries/territories across 16 industries at both public and private companies.

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Liability Claims: Plan Today for a better tomorrow - Sponsored by Prudent

It is pertinent that organizations become aware of their liability risks and avail appropriate insurances to transfer said risks. Watch our recorded panel discussion to explore the expectations of an insurer and the insured in the event of such claims and other surrounding aspects involved in smooth claims settlement.

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Your Greatest Asset: Smart Risk Management in the Age of Workforce Transformation-Sponsored by Travelers June 28, 2022

Join this webinar to learn what the data tells us about first-year injury rates coming out of the pandemic, how duty-of-care concepts are changing, and seven smart ways to use claims data to identify issues early and communicate actionable strategies to leadership.

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Emerging Risks in Renewable Energy for 2022- Sponsored by TUV HUD March 10, 2022

Join this webinar, sponsored by TUV SUD Global Risk Consultants, to learn about emerging trends in solar, wind, and energy storage; the dangers of the “rush to green;” how underwriters view renewable energy risks; and more.

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How to Prepare for the Shifting Sands of Liability -Sponsored by Beazley March 29, 2022

At a time of unprecedented social, political, economic and environmental change, boardroom risks have become unpredictable. Join us as we discuss the shifting, complicated web of issues that will challenge senior executives this year.

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Are You Prepared for the Changing Environmental Risk Landscape? - Sponsored by Beazley February 3, 2022

The COP26 summit set clear priorities for both governments and businesses in terms of regulatory change and energy transition targets. ESG considerations create new regulatory, operational, and reputational risks and the insurance industry can play a vital role in helping you to identify risk priorities and navigating the emerging environmental risk landscape.

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Talent Risk: Get Ahead of Risk Management Succession Planning-Sponsored by Gallagher Core 360 March 17, 2022

In this webinar, you will learn from experts in insurance, risk management and leadership development about how to navigate emerging challenges of succession planning and gain actionable insights to build your own plan with confidence.

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ZAP! The Electrification of Commercial Fleets- Opportunities & Risks Sponsored by Aviva-April 28,2022

Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increased 27% from 2000 -2018 in the transportation sector; with GHG emissions continuing to increase in the freight transportation industry. The transportation segment accounts for approximately 25% of the national GHG emissions. Under the Paris Agreement, Canada pledged to reduce national GHG emissions by 30% by the year 2030. The provinces of Quebec and British Columbia have implemented regulations requiring the transition from diesel and gasoline-powered commercial vehicles to new zero-emission models in specific industry segments.

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Have you Unbundled? How to Improve Supply Chain and Property Casualty Profile-Sponsored by TUV SUD May 5, 2022

In this webinar, TÜV SÜD Americas CFO Dr. Fabian Schober will explore the critical role of independent risk assessments. Learn why unbundling risk assessments from insurance helps companies control risk management and insurance programs.

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What Really Happens When You Negotiate with a Hacker: An Insider’s View - Sponsored by Gallagher CORE360

In this interactive webinar, you will navigate a real-life scenario more businesses are experiencing as ransomware attacks continue to increase across the globe.

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Mediation - Risk Mitigation Technique - Sponsored by J.B. Boda Group

Mediation is ancient and deep rooted in Indian culture and history. According to ancient accounts, Lord Shri Krishna tried to mediate between Kauravas and Pandawas before the Mahabharata War but was unsuccessful and the resulting conflict was a disaster. Traditionally, disputes or differences between villagers were resolved by the village Panchayats in consultation with the parties to the dispute. However, since India adopted the adversarial judicial system developed during the colonial regime, meditation is no longer commonly used.

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Deadly Weapons and Risk Resilience

Gun violence is on the rise across the U.S., and while no one wants to imagine a deadly weapons event happening to them, the reality is that the past two years have been the deadliest years for gun violence on record with more than 1,300 mass shootings1 in 2020–2021.

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Cyber, and Data, and Regulatory Risks (to Avoid)—Oh My! | Sponsored by Beazley - June 2, 2022

Few industries have seen more dramatic growth in recent years than that of virtual care. Telehealth’s benefits—including improved access and affordability—have been hard to deny, ensuring that the virtual care industry is here to stay. With this new host of services, however, comes an evolving risk landscape that includes a wide range of cyber and technology-related exposures.

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